Antigua and Barbuda Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
To learn more about open-source tech in Antigua-and-Barbuda, you can explore various resources and online communities that focus on technology and innovation. Here are some useful links:
  1. Antigua Computer Technology (ACT) - This is a local tech community in Antigua and Barbuda that provides resources, training, and support for individuals interested in technology. They organize workshops, coding boot camps, and networking events to connect tech enthusiasts in the region.

  2. Antigua and Barbuda ICT Association - This is a non-profit organization that promotes the development of information and communication technology in Antigua and Barbuda. They provide advocacy, training, and networking opportunities for local tech professionals.

  3. Caribbean Open Institute - This is an open-source initiative that aims to promote open data, open government, and open innovation across the Caribbean region. They provide tools, resources, and training to help individuals and organizations use open-source technology to solve social and environmental challenges.

  4. OpenStreetMap Antigua and Barbuda - This is a community-led mapping project that aims to create an open, free, and editable map of Antigua and Barbuda. They use open-source software to collect and share geographic data, which can be used for disaster response, urban planning, and tourism.

Notable technologists from Antigua-and-Barbuda throughout history include:

  1. Sir MacLean Emanuel - He is a computer scientist and academic who was born in Antigua and Barbuda. He is known for his work in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer education.

  2. Dr. Dorbrene O’Marde - He is a software developer and entrepreneur who founded the software development company, OptiLogic. He has developed software solutions for a range of industries, including finance, healthcare, and education.

  3. Dr. Kim Mallalieu - She is a computer scientist and academic who was born in Antigua and Barbuda. She has conducted research in computer graphics, virtual reality, and multimedia systems.

  4. Dr. Patrick Hosein - He is a telecommunications engineer and academic who was born in Trinidad and Tobago but spent much of his career in Antigua and Barbuda. He has developed technologies for wireless communication, broadband access, and network security.

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