Brazil Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
1. Open Source Brazil (OSBr): OSBr is a non-profit organization that promotes the use and development of open source software in Brazil. Their website offers various resources, including news, events, and a directory of open source software projects in Brazil.
  1. Linux Professional Institute Brazil (LPI): LPI is a non-profit organization that offers certification and training programs for open source technologies, including Linux. They have a network of partners and affiliates throughout Brazil, providing education and training for IT professionals.

  2. Brazilian Association of Free Software (ABSL): ABSL is an organization that advocates for the use of free and open source software in Brazil. They provide support and resources for individuals and organizations interested in using open source software, and host events and conferences to promote its adoption.

  3. Notable technologists from Brazil throughout history:

  • Paulo Freire: Brazilian educator and philosopher known for his work on critical pedagogy and popular education.
  • César Lattes: Brazilian physicist who co-discovered the pion, a subatomic particle.
  • Tarcisio Meira: Brazilian computer scientist and one of the pioneers of computer science in Brazil.
  • Marcelo Tosatti: Brazilian computer programmer and one of the key developers of the Linux kernel.
  • Vanessa Tonini: Brazilian software engineer and open source advocate who founded PyLadies Brazil, a community for women in the Python programming language.
  1. Open Source Communities in Brazil: There are several open source communities in Brazil, such as Python Brazil, JavaCE, and Debian Brazil. These communities offer resources, events, and networking opportunities for individuals interested in open source technologies.

  2. Open Source Conferences in Brazil: There are several open source conferences in Brazil, such as FISL (International Forum of Free Software) and The Developers Conference. These conferences offer opportunities for learning, networking, and collaboration in the open source community.

  3. Open Source Software Projects in Brazil: There are several open source software projects in Brazil, such as OpenProject, ScrumDesk, and Noosfero. These projects offer opportunities for contribution and collaboration in the open source community.

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