Central African Republic Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
Learning about open-source tech in Central African Republic can be challenging due to limited access to technology and internet infrastructure. However, there are still some resources available to gain knowledge about open-source technology in the country.

Here are some resources with links to learn more about open-source technology in Central African Republic:

  1. ICT Works - This is an online platform that provides insights and resources on how technology can be used to drive social and economic development in Africa, including Central African Republic.

  2. Open Knowledge International - This is a global organization that promotes open data and open knowledge. They have a network of chapters in Africa, including Central African Republic, that work to promote open-source technology and data.

  3. GitHub - This is a web-based platform used for version control and collaborative coding. There are several projects related to Central African Republic on GitHub, including data visualization tools and open-source software.

Notable technologists from Central African Republic throughout history include:

  1. Ange Félix Patassé - He was the President of Central African Republic from 1993 to 2003. He was known for his efforts to promote education and technology in the country.

  2. Régis Gontran Ndouba - He is a Central African Republic software developer who created an app to help farmers monitor their crops and predict yields.

  3. Hervé Barge - He is a Central African Republic software developer who created an open-source platform for managing medical data in the country.

Learning more about open-source technology in Central African Republic can be challenging due to limited resources and access to technology. However, with the above resources and notable technologists, one can gain a better understanding of the current state of open-source tech in the country.

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