Guatemala Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
To learn more about open-source tech in Guatemala, you can use the following resources:
  1. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) - OSI is a non-profit organization that promotes open-source software and related ideas. Their website has a lot of information about open-source software and related topics.

  2. The Open Source Software Association (OSSA) - OSSA is a group of developers and enthusiasts who work to promote the use of open-source software in Guatemala. Their website has a lot of resources and information about open-source software.

  3. Meetup Groups - There are several Meetup groups in Guatemala that focus on open-source software, such as the Open Source Community Guatemala and the Joomla! Users Group Guatemala. These groups often have events and discussions that are a great way to learn more about open-source software.

  4. Hackathons - Hackathons are events where developers come together to work on open-source software projects. These events can be a great way to learn about open-source software and meet other developers.

Some notable technologists from Guatemala throughout history include:

  1. Carlos Mejía - Carlos Mejía is a computer engineer and entrepreneur who is known for founding several successful tech companies in Guatemala.

  2. Luis von Ahn - Luis von Ahn is a computer scientist who is known for developing the CAPTCHA system and the language-learning platform Duolingo.

  3. Lorena Ancona - Lorena Ancona is a computer scientist who is known for her work in the field of artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

  4. Victor Lemus - Victor Lemus is a software developer who is known for his work on several open-source projects, including the Symfony PHP framework.

  5. Mario Estrada - Mario Estrada is a software developer who is known for his work on the OpenBTS project, which is an open-source software implementation of a GSM cellular network.

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Making open-source more accessible.
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