Kuwait Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
Learning about open-source technology in Kuwait can be a great way to expand your knowledge and skills. Here are some resources and notable technologists from Kuwait to help you get started:


  1. Kuwait Open Source User Group - KOUG is a community of open-source enthusiasts in Kuwait. They organize regular meetups, workshops, and conferences to promote the use of open-source technology.
  2. Kuwait Linux User Group - KULUG is a community of Linux users in Kuwait. They provide support and training on Linux and other open-source software.
  3. Kuwait National Library - The library has a section dedicated to technology and computer science. They offer books and online resources on open-source software.

Notable technologists from Kuwait:

  1. Dr. Khalid Al-Ali - He is a computer scientist and the founder of the Kuwait Open Source User Group.
  2. Dr. Bader Al-Shammari - He is a professor of computer science at Kuwait University and a leading researcher in the field of artificial intelligence.
  3. Nasser Al-Mutairi - He is a cybersecurity expert and the founder of SecNinjaz, a Kuwait-based cybersecurity company.

By joining local tech communities and attending events, you can connect with other open-source enthusiasts and learn from their experiences. You can also follow online resources and blogs like OpenSource.com and Linux.com to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in open-source technology.

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