Niger Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
Learning more about open-source tech in Niger can be done through various online resources, attending tech events, and joining local tech communities. Here are some useful resources and notable technologists from Niger throughout history:
  1. Tech Community in Niger: The Nigerien Tech community is a great place to start learning about open-source technology in Niger. Joining their online platform and attending their events can help you connect with other developers and tech enthusiasts.

  2. GitHub: The GitHub platform provides access to open-source projects and codes that Nigerien developers have contributed to. It is a great resource to explore the kind of projects that the developers in Niger are working on.

  3. Facebook Groups: There are several Facebook groups that focus on tech development in Niger, and they can provide a great platform to learn about tech events, collaborations, and networking opportunities.

  4. Notable Technologists from Niger: Some notable technologists from Niger include:

  • Aissa Dione: Aissa Dione is a Nigerien entrepreneur and founder of several companies, including Innovent, which focuses on ICT services, and Suka Finance, which provides microfinance services to rural areas.

  • Abdoul Salam Saleh: Abdoul Salam Saleh is a Nigerien entrepreneur and the founder of Miroslar, a technology company that provides digital marketing solutions.

  • Issoufou Seidou Sanda: Issoufou Seidou Sanda is a Nigerien software developer and the founder of DevInnov, a technology company that provides software development services.

  • Djamila Mahamane: Djamila Mahamane is a Nigerien software developer and the founder of Code Innovation, a technology company that provides IT solutions to businesses.

In conclusion, to learn more about open-source tech in Niger, you can explore online resources, join tech communities, attend tech events, and connect with notable technologists from Niger throughout history.

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