Slovakia Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
There are several resources available to learn more about open-source technology in Slovakia. These resources include online communities, meetups, and conferences. Below are some of the most notable resources:
  1. OpenCamp - OpenCamp is a Slovakian conference dedicated to open-source technology. The conference covers topics such as open-source software, hardware, and other related topics.

  2. Slovak Linux User Group - This group is a community of Linux users in Slovakia. They organize meetups, seminars, and workshops to promote the use of open-source technology.

  3. Red Hat - Red Hat is a multinational software company that specializes in open-source technology. They have a strong presence in Slovakia and provide various training and certification programs for individuals and businesses.

  4. OpenFest - OpenFest is an annual conference held in Bratislava, Slovakia, that focuses on open-source technology. The conference features talks, workshops, and networking opportunities.

  5. Notable technologists from Slovakia - Some of the most notable technologists from Slovakia include:

  • Ivan Sutherland - Ivan Sutherland is a computer scientist and the inventor of the first virtual reality and augmented reality systems.

  • Juraj Hromkovič - Juraj Hromkovič is a computer scientist and a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He has made significant contributions to the field of theoretical computer science.

  • Tomáš Baťa - Tomáš Baťa was a Czechoslovakian entrepreneur who founded the Baťa shoe company. He was a pioneer in the use of technology in manufacturing and production.

In conclusion, there are several resources available to learn more about open-source technology in Slovakia. These resources include online communities, meetups, conferences, and notable technologists from the country’s history.

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