Australia Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
To learn more about open-source technology in Australia, you can start by exploring the following resources and websites:
  1. Linux Australia: Linux Australia is a community-driven organization that promotes and supports the use of Linux and open-source software in Australia. They organize conferences and events, provide resources and advocacy, and promote education and collaboration.

  2. Open Source Industry Australia (OSIA): OSIA is a non-profit industry association that advocates for the use of open-source software in Australia. They provide resources and support for businesses and individuals, and work to raise awareness and promote the benefits of open-source technology.

  3. Open Source Software Association (OSSA): OSSA is a community of open-source enthusiasts and advocates in Australia. They provide resources and support for individuals and organizations, and work to promote the use and development of open-source software.

  4. GitHub: GitHub is a platform for hosting and collaborating on open-source software projects. There are many Australian developers and organizations on GitHub, and you can browse their projects and contributions to learn more about open-source technology in Australia.

  5. Open Source Projects in Australia: There are many open-source projects based in Australia, including projects in areas such as education, government, health, and more. You can search for open-source projects on sites like GitHub and SourceForge to find projects based in Australia.

Some notable technologists from Australia throughout history include:

  1. Atlassian Founders - Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar: Founders of the popular software development company Atlassian, which provides a suite of tools for software developers.

  2. Mark Pesce: An inventor, author, and educator who has been a leading voice in the development of virtual reality, 3D graphics, and other technologies.

  3. Ann Moffatt: A computer scientist and mathematician who was the first woman to earn a PhD in computer science in Australia.

  4. Genevieve Bell: An anthropologist and technologist who has worked on projects related to the intersection of technology and culture, including work with Intel and the Australian National University.

  5. John Lions: A computer scientist and author who wrote the “Lions' Commentary on Unix 6th Edition, with Source Code”, a seminal work in the history of Unix and open-source software.

  6. Rusty Russell: A software developer who has made significant contributions to the development of the Linux kernel and other open-source projects.

  7. Eric Allman: A computer programmer and author who created the widely-used sendmail email server software.

  8. Tony Hoare: A computer scientist and mathematician who developed the Quicksort algorithm and made many other contributions to the field of computer science.

These are just a few examples of the many notable technologists from Australia throughout history. By exploring the resources and websites mentioned above, you can learn more about the current state of open-source technology in Australia and the many individuals and organizations working to advance this field.

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Making open-source more accessible.
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