Estonia Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
1. Open-source tech resources in Estonia:
  • Open Knowledge Estonia: This is a non-profit organisation that promotes open data and open-source technology in Estonia. They offer events, workshops and training sessions to educate and empower people to use open data and technology. Their website also features a blog with updates on open-source initiatives in Estonia.

  • Garage48: This is a community of tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs that organises hackathons and startup events in Estonia. They often focus on open-source technology and encourage collaboration between developers, designers and business professionals.

  • Estonian ICT Cluster: This is a network of IT companies, research institutions and universities in Estonia that aims to promote the development of the ICT sector in the country. They offer resources and support to companies and individuals interested in open-source technology.

  1. Notable technologists from Estonia throughout history:
  • Taavet Hinrikus: He co-founded TransferWise, a successful fintech company that uses open-source technology to enable cheap and fast international money transfers.

  • Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn: They were part of the team that developed Skype, a communication software that uses open-source technology.

  • Andres Kütt: He is the founder of the e-Governance Academy, an organisation that promotes the use of open-source technology for improving governance and public services.

  • Rein Lemberpuu: He is the founder of Contriber, a software development company that has contributed to several open-source projects and promotes the use of open-source technology in the industry.

  • Marek Tiits: He is a co-founder of Mooncascade, a software development company that focuses on open-source technology and has contributed to several open-source projects.

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