Iceland Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
To learn more about open-source tech in Iceland, there are various resources available online that provide information about the subject. Here are some of the resources and notable technologists from Iceland throughout history:
  1. Open Iceland - Open Iceland is a non-profit organization that promotes the use of open-source technologies in Iceland. They provide various resources, including a directory of open-source tools and services, a blog with news and updates about the open-source community in Iceland, and a community forum where users can share their knowledge and experiences.

  2. Iceland Tech - Iceland Tech is an online magazine that covers the Icelandic tech industry, including open-source technology. They publish articles and interviews with notable figures in the Icelandic tech community, as well as news and events related to the industry.

  3. The Reykjavik Node - The Reykjavik Node is a community of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs in Iceland who are interested in open-source technologies. They organize meetups and events where members can share their knowledge and collaborate on projects.

  4. Eirikur Bergmann - Eirikur Bergmann is a professor of political science at Bifrost University in Iceland, and he is also a technology enthusiast. He has written about the benefits of open-source technologies for society and the economy, and he is a proponent of the open-source movement in Iceland.

  5. Jon von Tetzchner - Jon von Tetzchner is an Icelandic-Norwegian entrepreneur who co-founded Opera Software, a web browser company. He is also the founder of Vivaldi Technologies, which produces another web browser. Von Tetzchner is known for his support of open-source technologies and his advocacy for online privacy.

  6. Stefania Drugge - Stefania Drugge is an Icelandic computer scientist and software developer. She has worked on various open-source projects, including the Virtual Observatory for Earth and Planetary Data and the Hubble Legacy Archive. She has also written about the importance of open-source software in scientific research.

Overall, the Icelandic tech community has embraced open-source technologies and has made significant contributions to the development of the open-source movement. By utilizing the resources available online and learning from the experiences of notable technologists from Iceland, one can gain a better understanding of the benefits and potential of open-source technologies.

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