Indonesia Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
There are several ways to learn more about open-source tech in Indonesia. Here are some resources with links and notable technologists from Indonesia throughout history:
  1. Join online communities: Joining online communities such as GitHub and Stack Overflow can be a great way to learn more about open-source tech in Indonesia. There are several Indonesian developers who are active on these platforms.

  2. Attend tech events: Attending tech events such as conferences, meetups, and hackathons can help you network with like-minded people and learn about new technologies. Check out events such as BarCamp, Startup Weekend, and Tech in Asia.

  3. Follow blogs: Following tech blogs such as DailySocial and Tech in Asia can help you stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the Indonesian tech industry.

  4. Learn from online courses: Websites such as Udemy, Coursera, and edX offer online courses on open-source technologies. You can take advantage of these courses to learn more about open-source tech in Indonesia.

  5. Notable technologists from Indonesia throughout history:

  • B.J. Habibie: He was the third president of Indonesia and a prominent technologist who contributed to the development of Indonesia’s aviation industry.

  • Onno W. Purbo: He is a well-known Indonesian computer networking expert and advocate of open-source software.

  • Rama Siburian: He is the founder of Labtek Indie, a community of Indonesian developers who promote open-source technologies.

  • Nidya Ayu Utami: She is a prominent Indonesian data scientist and founder of Code4Nation, a non-profit organization that uses technology to address social issues.

Overall, learning about open-source tech in Indonesia requires a combination of online resources and offline events. By following the above resources and learning from notable technologists from Indonesia throughout history, you can gain a better understanding of the open-source tech industry in Indonesia.

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