Romania Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
To learn more about open-source tech in Romania, you can follow these steps:
  1. Join Romanian open-source communities: There are many Romanian open-source communities that you can join to learn more about open-source technology. Some popular ones include:

    • ROSP (Romanian Open Source Project)
    • Open Source Romania
    • Open Source Community Romania
  2. Attend open-source events: Attending open-source events is a great way to learn more about the technology and meet other people in the field. Here are some notable open-source events in Romania:

    • Open Source Summit Romania
    • Open Source Conference Romania
    • Cluj-Napoca Open Source Meetup
  3. Read open-source publications: There are many online publications that focus on open-source technology that you can read to learn more. Some popular ones include:

    • Linux User & Developer Romania
    • Linux Magazine Romania
    • Today Software Magazine
  4. Learn from notable Romanian technologists: There have been many notable technologists from Romania throughout history who have contributed to the field of open-source technology. Here are a few examples:

    • Eugen Pavel (co-founder of Bitdefender)
    • Bogdan Dumitru (creator of SCons build tool)
    • Marius Moga (founder of Ovidiu 7, a web development framework)

Here are some useful links to get you started:

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Making open-source more accessible.
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