Serbia Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
1. Open-source tech resources in Serbia:
  • Open Source Serbia: a community of open-source enthusiasts in Serbia, with a mission to promote and support the use of open-source software and hardware.
  • SerbiaJS: a community of JavaScript developers in Serbia, with regular meetups and events focused on open-source technologies.
  • Mozilla Serbia: a local chapter of the Mozilla Foundation, focused on promoting open-source software and internet freedom in Serbia.
  • Linux Users Group Serbia: a community of Linux users in Serbia, with regular meetings and events focused on open-source technologies.
  • Open Data Serbia: a non-profit organization that promotes the use of open data and open-source technologies in Serbia.
  1. Notable technologists from Serbia throughout history:
  • Nikola Tesla: one of the greatest inventors in history, born in Smiljan, Croatia (then part of the Austrian Empire, now in Croatia) to Serbian parents. Tesla is best known for his work in electrical engineering, including the development of the alternating current (AC) electrical system.
  • Mihajlo Pupin: a Serbian-American physicist and inventor, known for his work in telecommunications and X-ray spectroscopy. Pupin was a pioneer in the use of open-wire transmission lines, which led to the development of long-distance telephone communication.
  • Milutin Milanković: a Serbian mathematician and astronomer, known for his work in celestial mechanics and climate change. Milanković developed the theory of long-term climate change based on changes in the Earth’s orbit and tilt, known as the Milanković cycles.
  • Zoran Radović: a Serbian computer scientist, known for his work in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Radović is a professor at the University of Belgrade and has published numerous research papers and books on AI and machine learning.
  • Ivan Stojmenović: a Serbian-Canadian computer scientist, known for his work in wireless ad hoc networks and parallel and distributed computing. Stojmenović is a professor at the University of Ottawa and has published over 400 research papers and several books on computer science.

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