South Sudan Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
1. Join local tech communities: Joining local tech communities in South Sudan is a great way to learn more about open-source technology. The South Sudanese Tech Community is a group of young tech enthusiasts who are working to improve the tech ecosystem in South Sudan. They organize events, workshops, and hackathons, which can provide opportunities to learn about open-source tech.
  1. Online resources: There are a number of online resources that can help you learn more about open-source technology. Some popular ones include GitHub, Stack Overflow, and GitLab. These platforms provide tutorials, code examples, and other resources that can help you get started with open-source tech.

  2. Notable technologists from South Sudan: Here are some notable technologists from South Sudan:

  • Agnes Nyoka: Agnes is a computer scientist and software developer who is passionate about empowering women in technology. She has worked on a number of open-source projects, including the Hadoop Distributed File System and the Apache Cassandra database.

  • Ayuel Madut: Ayuel is the founder of SawaSouthSudan, a platform that connects South Sudanese students with academic resources and opportunities. He is also a software developer and has worked on a number of open-source projects.

  • Taban Deng: Taban is a software developer who is passionate about using technology to solve social problems. He has worked on a number of open-source projects, including the Tika Project and the Open Data Kit.

Overall, learning about open-source technology in South Sudan requires a combination of joining local tech communities, utilizing online resources, and researching the notable technologists from the region.

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