Grenada Dojo

Making open-source more accessible.
1. Attend Tech Meetups: Attend technology meetups in Grenada, such as Grenada ICT Association and SpiceCon, to learn more about open-source technology.
  1. Join Online Communities: Join online communities, such as the Grenada Open Source Community on Facebook, to connect with other open-source tech enthusiasts and learn more about the latest trends and technologies.

  2. Participate in Hackathons: Participate in hackathons, such as the Grenada Open Data Hackathon, to hone your skills and learn more about open-source technology.

  3. Check Out Online Resources: Check out online resources, such as the Grenada ICT Association website, to find out more about open-source technology in Grenada.

  4. Connect with Notable Technologists: Connect with notable technologists from Grenada, such as Dr. Beverly Steele, the first female computer science PhD graduate in the Caribbean, and Robert Hall, a software developer and open-source advocate.

Notable Technologists from Grenada Throughout History:

  1. Dr. Beverly Steele: Dr. Steele is the first female computer science PhD graduate in the Caribbean. She has worked as a professor and researcher in the field of computer science.

  2. Robert Hall: Robert Hall is a software developer and open-source advocate. He has worked on several open-source projects and has been a speaker at various technology conferences.

  3. Alister McQuilkin: Alister McQuilkin is a technology entrepreneur and co-founder of the Grenada-based tech company, TechLink Solutions. He is also the founder of Grenada’s first coding boot camp, Code Bootcamp.

  4. Kester Edwards: Kester Edwards is a software developer and co-founder of the Grenada-based tech company, TechLink Solutions. He has worked on several software projects for businesses and organizations in Grenada and the Caribbean.

  5. Dr. Curtis Jacobs: Dr. Jacobs is a computer science professor at St. George’s University in Grenada. He has published research in the areas of computer networks, wireless networks, and network security.

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Making open-source more accessible.
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